New and future students
Congratulations and welcome!
Welcome to The Design School, where we educate designers to shape collaborations, synthesize complexity and catalyze transformation for public good.
Undergraduate students
Congratulations on your acceptance to ASU! Find out all you need to know about being a new undergraduate student in The Design School in ASU’s Herberger Institute and what your next steps are to joining us.
Graduate students
Future graduate students
Webinars for future graduate students
Master of Architecture
Learn more about the Master of Architecture program and how the degree prepares you for a design career.
Careers in Landscape Architecture
Information session that discusses our Master of Landscape Architecture program and how the degree prepares you for a design career!
Graduate Program Information Webinar
Informational webinar for potential applicants to our graduate programs. Watch this video for information about what it takes to apply to our programs, deadlines, and other helpful information.
How to Make Your Own Career with MSIVD
Learn more about our newest graduate program, the Master of Science in Innovation and Venture Development.
Alumni Spotlight: Master of Landscape Architecture Program with Lora Martens
Faculty member and alumna Lora Martens will serve as special guest for this webinar to discuss the MLA program and her path to practice and teaching. In addition to serving as an adjunct faculty member in The Design School, Lora is also founder and principal for Studio M Landscapes. Learn more about Lora’s journey and the Master of Landscape Architecture program.
Alumni Spotlight: Master of Visual Communication Design Program with Shangning Wang
Master of Visual Communication Design alumnus Shangning Wang ('16) will join us to discuss his experience in the program. Shangning is a Graphic Designer for the United Nations Development Programme. He will present projects he has worked on and tell us a bit about how he has progressed in his professional career thus far. Watch this webinar to learn about what to expect as an MVCD student.
Next Steps for Deferred Students
Watch this video for an overview of next steps for graduate students who deferred from Summer/Fall 2020 to Summer/Fall 2021. We will outline steps for international students, how to register, and tips on navigating your My ASU.
Careers in Interior Architecture
Information session that discusses our Master of Interior Architecture program and how the degree prepares you for a design career!
Careers in Visual Communication Design
A virtual information session focused on our Master of Visual Communication Design program and how the degree prepares you for a design career!
Portfolio Advice
Learn more about what the admission committees are looking for in your portfolio submission for the design graduate program applications!
STEM-Designated Design Programs Webinar
Learn more about our STEM-designated graduate degree programs! These include our Master of Architecture (3 and 2-year pathways), Master of Industrial Design (3+ and 2-year pathways), Master of Landscape Architecture (3+, 2+ and 2-year pathways), Master of Science in Innovation and Venture Development, and the Master of Science in Architecture (3+ and 2-year pathways).
Alumni Spotlight: Master of Architecture Program with Rachel Green Rasmussen
Master of Architecture Program alumna Rachel Green Rasmussen joins this webinar to discuss her experience in the program. Rachel is a Principal at Architekton in Tempe, Arizona. She will share projects she has worked on and how she has progressed in her professional career thus far. Learn what to expect as an MArch student.
Alumni Spotlight: Master of Interior Architecture Program Alumnae Panel
Join this panel of alumnae from our Master of Interior Architecture program as they present their experiences in the program, projects that they have worked on , and how they have progressed in their professional careers thus far. Panelists include Rutuja Chittekar, Interior Designer at Hayes Group Architects, Alyssa Hitt, Interior Designer at Gould Evans, Kirsten Keane, Director of Marketing at Jones Studio and Kiana Taie, Designer at Gensler. Learn about what to expect as an MIA student.
New graduate students
Congratulations on your acceptance to The Design School. We invite you to watch our webinars as you prepare for your next steps.
Webinars for new graduate students
Meet your advisors
Meet your graduate advisors at The Design School who will help you throughout your program. This video will go over how to navigate your My ASU page, how to register for classes, and other important resources.
2021 Graduate Open House
Watch the recording from our 2021 Open House event where we discussed next steps, important dates, and resources for new students.
Funding your graduate program
Learn about the various ways that you can help fund your graduate program at The Design School including scholarships, teaching assistantships, fellowships, and financial aid.
Student Checksheets and Registration
Meet with your graduate advisors at The Design School who outline the process of tracking your degree progress and resources available to you for registration.
Q&As for new and future graduate students
You may request to defer your admission for one year from your original admit term. Please email DesignGrad@asu.edu to request a deferral. You will be asked to complete a short form and it will require approval from your program head.
Graduate students receive financial support in the form of Teaching Assistantships and scholarships. U.S. citizens and Permanent Residents may also apply for Federal Aid.
More information about Teaching Assistantships including dates to apply and the application are available. TAs receive a tuition waiver, a stipend and health insurance.
All information regarding the I-20 (how to request, what is needed, and tracking the status) may be found in the student’s MyASU student account. The student should be aware that the Graduate College is the department on campus that produces the I-20. If the student has questions that are unable to be answered through the MyASU student account or through a search on the Graduate College site, the student should contact Graduate College directly at 1-480-965-6113 or email gograd@asu.edu.
The MMR hold requires a student to send proof of the MMR vaccine or illness to Student Health Services.
Mail, Fax or email MMR to:
Immunization Department
ASU Health Services
Arizona State University
P.O. Box 872104 Tempe, AZ 85287-2104
Fax: 480-965-8914
Email: immunizations@asu.edu
Phone: 480-965-8177
Please email DesignGrad@asu.edu to set up an appointment.
International students are required to take at least nine (9) credit hours each fall and spring semester. Most of our graduate programs require 12-15 credit hours per semester.
On your My ASU student account, in the “My Classes” section, the student will see a link for “Registration” and “Class Search.” Your Registration Date will tell you at what date and time you may begin registering for courses. Watch My ASU for any Priority Tasks or Holds, as these may prevent registration.
Yes, your advisor sends emails containing important information on policies, procedures, and deadlines which will help the student to succeed in his/her program; therefore, it is important to read these emails in their entirety.
Three to five business days after students apply to ASU, they should expect to receive an email from ASU Graduate College detailing how to activate their My ASU student account. A student’s 10-digit ASU Affiliate ID number may be found under the Profile link on the My ASU student account page.
A student can purchase a Sun Card after admission at the Sun Card office. The cost is $25 and the office is in the lower level of the Memorial Union. A Sun Card is required to enter your studio classrooms.
A student must be eligible to register for courses in order to acquire a Sun Card.
There is very limited housing for graduate students on campus, but ASU has three residential halls on the Tempe campus that provide some housing for graduate students: University Towers, Adelphi Commons II and Cholla Apartment.
Many off-campus housing options are also available.
After students are admitted, they have one semester to submit their final official transcript (and official degree certificate if applicable).
Please use the tuition estimator to estimate cost of attendance; please be advised that this is only an estimate.
Auditing a course is when a student registers for a course, but does not receive credit for the course, and receives a grade of “X.” Please note, you will need to pay full tuition for the course.
An audited course will not go on your Plan of Study (iPOS), nor will it affect your GPA.
Yes, campus tours are available. For Design School tours, please email DesignGrad@asu.edu.
Yes, ASU has multiple spaces where students may use a computer to do their schoolwork.
Yes, ASU has organizations and clubs for students.
There are many paraprofessional design organizations at The Design School.
If students have registered for courses, they must withdraw from their courses, or they will be charged tuition and fees for those courses. Please email DesignGrad@asu.edu to let us know about your decision. You may also submit a “Voluntary Complete Withdrawal” form (Graduate student forms) to Graduate College; however, this is not recommended if students think they may change their mind and attend ASU. Students may either fax or mail the form to:
Fax: 480-965-5158
Graduate College
Arizona State University
PO Box 871003
Tempe, AZ 85287-1003